I should be excited about planting my tomato starts. Started from seed, I've nursed these fuzzy buggers along for over a month indoors - Super Sioux, Pineapple, Stupice, Cuastralee Beefsteak, Cossack Pineapple Tomatillos, and Poha Ground Cherries. Now they lurk in front of my enclosed garden, ready to move in and take over.
But that means I must say goodbye to my wonderful winter crop of lettuce, chard, and arugula. I'm not good at the eviction process.
I've been eating fresh salads for weeks now, tossing in herbs, nasturtium flowers, snap peas, moringa, dried figs, peppers, and kohlrabi, all from the garden.
Of course I will keep my herbs, like dill, cilantro, parsley, anise, tarragon, and thyme. I also cannot evict the flowers that are popping up as they are all good companion plants for the tomatoes - marigold, borage, and sunflowers.
The enclosure is prime real estate in my garden, a safe harbor for the more delicate plants to thrive without fear of being tromped or munched on by the various critters that pass through my yard.
So every season there is the angst of who will stay, who will go, and when.